While Aceris Law provides legal representation for clients on all continents, in multiple languages, it has again been highly recommended by Décideurs / Leader’s League in the field of international arbitration, for both Switzerland and France.
« We have one of the best teams in international arbitration today and since we cap our legal fees from the outset, we offer unmatched value to our clients, » said William Kirtley of Aceris Law. « It is always a pleasure for the high quality of our arbitration legal representation to be recognized. Despite the coronavirus pandemic, we litigated a combined value of approximately USD 1.2 billion in claims in 2020, in ICC, ICSID, LCIA, UNCITRAL, ICDR, SCC, SIAC, LCAM and ad hoc arbitrations, under a variety of laws, achieving a number of excellent outcomes for our clients, which is what matters most. »
The full 2021 rankings for France are available here. The full 2021 rankings for Switzerland are available here.