Slovenian Law states that an authorised person needs a “special authorisation” for the conclusion of an arbitration agreement. Similar provisions are found in other laws in the Middle East and other ex-Yugoslavian States. According to Article 76 of the Slovenian Obligations Code, a general authorisation, valid for “legal transactions classed among ordinary business” does not suffice: […]
Slovenia Arbitration
Ljubljana Arbitration Centre at the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
The Ljubljana Arbitration Centre (LAC) is a body organised within the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and is the central arbitration institution in Slovenia. The LAC is an autonomous and independent administrative body that provides a wide range of dispute resolution services, most notably arbitration, mediation and conciliation.[1] The LAC has a long-standing tradition […]
Mednarodna arbitraža: Slovenija dobila dostop do odprtega morja?
Mednarodna arbitraža. Senat Stalnega arbitražna sodišča (SAS) v Haagu je pod predsedstvom Gilberta Guillauma v Haagu je 29. junija 2017 razglasil težko pričakovano končno razsodbo v mejnem sporu med Slovenijo in Hrvaško. Arbitražni postopek je potekal na podlagi arbitražnega sporazuma, ki sta ga Slovenija in Hrvaška podpisali 4. novembra 2009. Arbitri so soglasno določili kopensko in […]
Final Award in PCA Arbitration Between Slovenia and Croatia
The long-awaited Final Award regarding the PCA arbitration between Slovenia and Croatia has finally been issued. It was rendered on 29 June 2017, ruling upon the border dispute between the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Croatia. The Arbitral Tribunal, presided by Judge Gilbert Guillaume, rendered its Final Award on the basis of an […]
Croatia v Slovenia PCA Arbitration
The highly-politicized and controversial Croatia v Slovenia Maritime delimitations arbitration, a PCA arbitration concerning the countries’ sea and land frontier dispute, will continue after all, ruled the PCA tribunal in a partial award on 30 June 2016. The proceedings were interrupted in July 2015 when Croatia raised concerns about the impartiality and independence of the Slovenian arbitrator, Jernej […]