Mednarodna arbitraža. Senat Stalnega arbitražna sodišča (SAS) v Haagu je pod predsedstvom Gilberta Guillauma v Haagu je 29. junija 2017 razglasil težko pričakovano končno razsodbo v mejnem sporu med Slovenijo in Hrvaško. Arbitražni postopek je potekal na podlagi arbitražnega sporazuma, ki sta ga Slovenija in Hrvaška podpisali 4. novembra 2009. Arbitri so soglasno določili kopensko in […]
Croatia Arbitration
Final Award in PCA Arbitration Between Slovenia and Croatia
The long-awaited Final Award regarding the PCA arbitration between Slovenia and Croatia has finally been issued. It was rendered on 29 June 2017, ruling upon the border dispute between the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Croatia. The Arbitral Tribunal, presided by Judge Gilbert Guillaume, rendered its Final Award on the basis of an […]
Croatia Challenges MOL Arbitration Award
As previously announced by Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, Croatia appealed against the arbitral decision of an UNCITRAL arbitral tribunal, dismissing as unfounded Croatia’s claims against Hungarian State-owned company MOL. The case was brought by Croatia against Hungarian company MOL in 2014 pursuant to an arbitration clause in a 2003 shareholder’s agreement governing MOL’s investment […]
Hrvatska osporava arbitražnu odluku UNCITRAL Tribunala u slučaju MOL
Kao što je to prethodno bilo i najavljeno od strane hrvatskog premijera Andreje Plenkovića, Hrvatska je odlučila da pokuša da ospori i poništi arbitražnu odluku koju je doneo UNCITRAL Tribunal u decembru prošle godine, kojom se hrvatske optužbe vezane za korupciju odbacuju kao neosnovane. Hrvatska je pokrenula arbitražni postupak još 2014. godine prema UNCITRAL pravilima […]
Aceris Law SARL’s Diverse Clients
Aceris Law LLC has a diverse set of clients thanks to its lawyers’ flexibility, their language skills, their multicultural backgrounds and Aceris’ heavy reliance on modern technology. Since we provide legal representation only for international disputes, Aceris Law LLC has been designed from the ground-up with only this in mind. While we maintain permanent access to offices in 120 […]
Croatia ICSID Arbitration Over Conversion Law
A new Croatia ICSID arbitration was registered on 16 September by UniCredit Bank Austria, a Vienna branch of Italian banking group UniCredit and its subsidiary Zagrebacka Banka. This is the first case against Croatia over controversial legislation intended to protected borrowers by converting loans and mortgages in Swiss francs to Euros. In September 2015, Croatia passed […]
Croatia v Slovenia PCA Arbitration
The highly-politicized and controversial Croatia v Slovenia Maritime delimitations arbitration, a PCA arbitration concerning the countries’ sea and land frontier dispute, will continue after all, ruled the PCA tribunal in a partial award on 30 June 2016. The proceedings were interrupted in July 2015 when Croatia raised concerns about the impartiality and independence of the Slovenian arbitrator, Jernej […]