Sharia law shapes the legal frameworks in the Middle East. Traditionally, it was the primary uncodified source of law in the region. However, throughout the 20th century, many Middle Eastern countries developed their own Civil Codes, which continue to be rooted in Sharia principles. One of the key areas where Sharia law exerts substantial influence […]
Egypt Arbitration
Arbitration in Egypt
Arbitration has long existed in Egypt, although it remained uncodified for many years. In the nineteenth century, Egyptian law was a blend of Sharia and European law. First, Egyptian legislation followed Islamic “Fiqh”, codified in the “Medjella”, which contained the rules related to arbitration.[1] Arbitration in Egypt was then governed by Articles 501-513 of the […]
Arbitration Under the OIC Investment Agreement
Many investors are unaware of the existence of the Agreement for the Promotion, Protection and Guarantee of Investments among the Member States of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (the “OIC Investment Agreement”) and its provisions regarding dispute settlement. The Organization of the Islamic Conference (the “OIC”; Arabic: منظمة التعاون الإسلامي; French: Organisation de la […]
شرط التحكيم في منازعات العقود الإدارية
قبل صدور قانون التحكيم في المواد المدنية والتجارية الصادر بالقانون رقم 27 لسنة 1994، كان يوجد اختلاف على امكانية اللجوء إلى التحكيم لتسوية النزعات الناشئة عن العقود الإدارية التي تكون الدولة – اواحد مؤسستها او هيئاتها- طرفا فيها. وقد أستمر ذلك الخلاف حتى بعد صدور القانون. نلخص فيما بعد موقف القانون المصري من هذه الاشكاليات […]
دعوى بطلان حكم التحكيم في القانون المصري
التحكيم في القانون المصري وازن المشرع المصرى بين ضرورة سرعة الفصل فى النزاع بالتحكيم وبين ضرورة إصلاح ما قد يشوب الاحكام من أخطاء فقرر الإستغناء عن طرق الطعن المقررة بالنسبة لأحكام القضاء المنصوص عليها فى قانون المرافعات و قرر الإقتصار على رفع دعوى ببطلان حكم التحكيم . وقد حدد الأسباب التى يمكن أن تبنى عليها […]
The dispute between Malicorp Ltd, an English Company, and the Republic of Egypt, arose out of the allegedly illegal termination of a concession contract amounting to a violation of the Bilateral Investment Treaty between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Egypt of 1975 (the “BIT”). In 2000, Malicorp was awarded a […]
Aceris Law SARL’s Diverse Clients
Aceris Law LLC has a diverse set of clients thanks to its lawyers’ flexibility, their language skills, their multicultural backgrounds and Aceris’ heavy reliance on modern technology. Since we provide legal representation only for international disputes, Aceris Law LLC has been designed from the ground-up with only this in mind. While we maintain permanent access to offices in 120 […]