On February 26, 2022, Ukraine filed a claim against Russia before the International Court of Justice to institute proceedings in connection with the military operations commenced by the Russian Federation in Ukrainian territory on February 24.[1] The application is based on Article IX of the 1948 Genocide Convention,[2] according to which the International Court of […]
Ukraine Arbitration
Законодавча база України у сфері арбитражу
На даний момент, арбітраж є передовим інстурментом для вирішення спорів у світі. Популярність арбітражу в Україні постійно набирає обертів. Принципи міжнародного арбитражу в Україні Україна є стороною всіх міжнародних конвенцій та договорів у сфері комерційного та інвестиційного міжнародного арбітражу. Такими конвенціями є Європейська конвенція 1961 року про зовнішньоторговельний арбітраж, Нью-Йорська конвенція 1958 року про визнання […]
International Arbitration and Human Rights – Igor Boyko v. Ukraine
The issue of consolidation between international arbitration and human rights has always been subject to controversies and doctrinal debates[1]. One reason for these controversies stems from the fact that human rights law and investment law follow different objectives. As stressed by J. Paulsson, while the first “deal[s] with rights of individuals that are inalienable whether or […]
New Arbitration against Russia Arising out of the Annexation of Crimea
As we anticipated in January 2015, arbitrations have arisen against Russia due to its annexation of Crimea. After months of threats and announcements by the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a new investment treaty case against Russia in relation to annexation of Crimea is about start. The first case, Ukrnafta v. Russia, PJSC Ukrnafta v. Russia […]
Aceris Law SARL’s Diverse Clients
Aceris Law LLC has a diverse set of clients thanks to its lawyers’ flexibility, their language skills, their multicultural backgrounds and Aceris’ heavy reliance on modern technology. Since we provide legal representation only for international disputes, Aceris Law LLC has been designed from the ground-up with only this in mind. While we maintain permanent access to offices in 120 […]