The global difficulties caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19), various State measures imposing restrictions on the movement of people, social distancing and complete lockdowns, while necessary to protect health, are inevitably having an impact on litigation in national courts, globally. In certain countries courts have had to limit, or to even entirely close, their operations due […]
UNCITRAL Arbitration
How to Reduce the Overall Cost of Investment Treaty Arbitration
Investment treaty arbitration has various flaws, but one flaw that is acknowledged by both foreign investors and States who use the dispute resolution system is that, in practice, it can be incredibly expensive. The costs of investment treaty arbitration can be unbearable for certain States, who have far better uses for public funds, and they […]
Aceris Ranked As First-Tier Recommended International Arbitration Firm By The Leaders League Intelligence Unit
Aceris Law has been ranked as a first-tier, recommended international arbitration firm by the Leader’s League Intelligence Report for 2017. The rankings of recommended international arbitration firms are shown below. Aceris Law was similarly ranked as a recommended international arbitration firm in 2015-2016, and it was highly-regarded prior to spinning off from DK AARPI. The Leader’s […]
Hrvatska osporava arbitražnu odluku UNCITRAL Tribunala u slučaju MOL
Kao što je to prethodno bilo i najavljeno od strane hrvatskog premijera Andreje Plenkovića, Hrvatska je odlučila da pokuša da ospori i poništi arbitražnu odluku koju je doneo UNCITRAL Tribunal u decembru prošle godine, kojom se hrvatske optužbe vezane za korupciju odbacuju kao neosnovane. Hrvatska je pokrenula arbitražni postupak još 2014. godine prema UNCITRAL pravilima […]