An arbitration clause in a contract is generally regarded as an autonomous agreement that may survive the termination of the contract that contains it. This presumption is often referred as “separability” or the “doctrine of separability”, according to which an arbitration clause is a “separate contract” whose validity and existence are independent from the substantive […]
France Arbitration
Aceris Law’s Client Succeeds in ICC Arbitration under French Law in the Aviation Industry
Aceris Law is pleased to announce that it has assisted another client in winning another ICC arbitration, this time in the aviation industry. While identifying details of the award remain confidential, the dispute, which was subject to French law, concerned remuneration of the work of a third-party consultant who had assisted in the successful sale […]
Arbitration in France: 2020
William Kirtley and Zuzana Vysudilova of Aceris Law have published the 2020 Lexology: Getting the Deal Through Arbitration guide to Arbitration in France for 2020. The guide discusses recent French jurisprudence concerning arbitration, as well as issues that are frequently encountered, and may be downloaded here. France William Kirtley and Zuzana Vysudilova Aceris Law LLC […]
William Kirtley and Marina Sim Comment on Taxes and Investment Arbitration
William Kirtley and Marina Sim were interviewed by LexisNexis to discuss the judgment of the Paris Court of Appeal in Vincent J. Ryan, Schooner Capital LLC, and Atlantic Investment Partners LLC v Republic of Poland, and the claimants’ set-aside application and its implications for investment treaty arbitration (ITA) practitioners. The dispute concerned States’ authority to […]
William Kirtley and Christy Chidiac Comment on Setting Aside of Arbitral Award
In a recently-published article by LexisNexis, William Kirtley and Christy Chidiac provide analysis of the French Court of Cassation’s setting aside of the Paris Court of Appeal’s partial annulment of an arbitration award on jurisdiction rendered in Serafín García Armas and Karina García Gruber v The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (« Serafín« ). A primary issue in […]
William Kirtley and Zuzana Vysudilova Publish 2019 Guide on French Arbitration
William Kirtley and Zuzana Vysudilova recently published a 2019 guide on French arbitration law. The guide on arbitration in France was published by Law Business Research 2019, in its Getting the Deal Through series, and it is available below. Many arbitrations have their seat in France, which has a modern arbitration law and is the […]
Aceris Publishes Guide on Arbitration in France and Paris (2018 Edition)
Aceris Law, a Getting the Deal Through National Expert, has recently published the 2018 guide for Arbitration in France, which is available below for consultation or download. The guide examines the most significant issues regarding arbitration in France, in relation to commercial and investment disputes with French elements. It describes investment arbitration issues (bilateral investment […]
Aceris Ranked As First-Tier Recommended International Arbitration Firm By The Leaders League Intelligence Unit
Aceris Law has been ranked as a first-tier, recommended international arbitration firm by the Leader’s League Intelligence Report for 2017. The rankings of recommended international arbitration firms are shown below. Aceris Law was similarly ranked as a recommended international arbitration firm in 2015-2016, and it was highly-regarded prior to spinning off from DK AARPI. The Leader’s […]
Aceris Law SARL’s Diverse Clients
Aceris Law LLC has a diverse set of clients thanks to its lawyers’ flexibility, their language skills, their multicultural backgrounds and Aceris’ heavy reliance on modern technology. Since we provide legal representation only for international disputes, Aceris Law LLC has been designed from the ground-up with only this in mind. While we maintain permanent access to offices in 120 […]