Aceris Law, a top-tier boutique international arbitration firm, has entered into a strategic partnership with Jus Mundi to incorporate Jus AI, Jus Mundi’s generative AI-powered legal assistant, into its practice. Known for its excellence in handling complex international commercial and investment arbitrations, Aceris Law will use Jus AI to further elevate its legal research and […]
International Arbitration
Changing Lawyers During an International Arbitration
There are a variety of legitimate reasons why a party might wish to change lawyers over the course of an international arbitration, which can be a long and expensive procedure. A party may lose confidence in its lawyers: the quality, loyalty and vigor of a party’s representatives can have substantial consequences for the party’s opportunity […]
Aceris Successfully Resolves Another ICC Arbitration Under Saudi Law
Aceris Law LLC has successfully resolved another ICC arbitration under Saudi Arabian law, obtaining the objectives of its client in full. In the dispute, Aceris Law represented the claimant, a sub-contractor, in a dispute involving breaches of a contract for engineering, procurement and construction activities. The place of arbitration was Paris. Aceris Law has served […]
Six-Month International Arbitration Internship: July-December 2019
Aceris Law LLC, a boutique law firm providing counsel for investment, commercial and construction arbitrations, is currently seeking an intern for a six-month internship beginning in July 2019 and ending in December 2019. Interns can be based in any city or country – we provide the technology that is necessary to work with our team, […]
OHADAC: Arbitration and Mediation in the Caribbean Region
The OHADAC project is a project of legal integration in the Caribbean region, whose philosophy is similar to the OHADA’s in West Africa. The objective of the project is to advance legal and judicial integration of the Caribbean in order to ensure that a harmonized legal framework applies for the activities of Caribbean businesses. It […]
Le principe de libre transfert dans l’arbitrage d’investissement
La clause de libre transfert figure généralement parmi les clauses protectrices des investissements des investisseurs étrangers prévues par les traités bilatéraux d’investissement (ci-après les « TBI »). Ce blog se focalisera tant sur le contenu de ce principe de protection que sur les restrictions légitimes pouvant y être apportées. Le contenu du principe de libre transfert Par […]
Aceris Law Ranked in Legal 500 for International Arbitration
After being well-ranked in Décideurs and being named a « Rising Star of International Arbitration« , Aceris Law has also been ranked in the Legal 500 as a Tier 1 recommended law firm in the field of international arbitration. The Legal 500’s ranking for international arbitration, in which few arbitration boutiques are present, is based solely on […]
Aceris Publishes Guide on Arbitration in France and Paris (2018 Edition)
Aceris Law, a Getting the Deal Through National Expert, has recently published the 2018 guide for Arbitration in France, which is available below for consultation or download. The guide examines the most significant issues regarding arbitration in France, in relation to commercial and investment disputes with French elements. It describes investment arbitration issues (bilateral investment […]
Hrvatska osporava arbitražnu odluku UNCITRAL Tribunala u slučaju MOL
Kao što je to prethodno bilo i najavljeno od strane hrvatskog premijera Andreje Plenkovića, Hrvatska je odlučila da pokuša da ospori i poništi arbitražnu odluku koju je doneo UNCITRAL Tribunal u decembru prošle godine, kojom se hrvatske optužbe vezane za korupciju odbacuju kao neosnovane. Hrvatska je pokrenula arbitražni postupak još 2014. godine prema UNCITRAL pravilima […]