Los contratos FIDIC son la forma estándar de contratos de construcción internacional más popular en el mundo. Los contratos estándar de la FIDIC se utilizan con frecuencia tanto en proyectos de construcción grandes como pequeños, y son adecuados para partes de distintas nacionalidades, que se comunican en distintos idiomas y que proceden de distintas jurisdicciones. […]
Spain Arbitration
Human Rights Law and Investment Arbitration
Human rights law is relevant in the realm of investment arbitration. This does not come as a surprise: both investors and host States may turn to public international law provisions, including human rights treaties, to reinforce their respective positions or to put forward autonomous claims. While little attention was initially given to human rights law […]
Aceris Law Successfully Resolves another ICC Arbitration
Aceris Law is pleased to have successfully resolved yet another ICC arbitration. Approximately one-third of the arbitrations where Aceris Law serves as counsel are construction-related, one-third are other types of commercial arbitrations (especially in the fields of aviation, energy, finance and technology) and one-third are investor-State arbitrations. This dispute, which had been running since 2016, […]
El arbitraje en España
En España, la ley que regula el arbitraje es la Ley 60/2003, de 23 de diciembre, de Arbitraje, la cual entró en vigor en 2004. Esta ley representa un paso adelante en el desarrollo del sistema de arbitraje como método para resolver disputas sobre contratos comerciales. La Ley de Arbitraje se basa en la Ley Modelo […]
El Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias Relativas a Inversiones es la institución líder en la resolución de controversias nacidas entre inversionistas y estados ya que los Estados lo han acordado así en la mayoría de los tratados internaciones de inversión o en contratos o en su legislación. Se trata de un proceso de arreglo […]
Three Spanish Arbitration Centers- A Step Towards Unification?
On 18 December 2017, three of Spain’s most prominent arbitration centers signed a memorandum of understanding as a first step towards their unification. This is another of the efforts of the Spanish Government in an attempt to make Spain a more appealing center for international arbitration which would rival Paris, London, Singapore, Hong Kong and […]
Spain Energy Treaty Arbitrations
On 12 August 2016, another Spain energy treaty arbitration under the Energy Charter Treaty was registered at the ICSID. The claimants are two Dutch companies, Cordoba Beheer B.V. and Sevilla Beheer B.V., together with Cross Retail S.L and Spanish Project companies, both registered in Spain.[1] This case is just another in line with dozens of arbitrations […]