Aceris Law is pleased to announce that it has successfully resolved another LCIA arbitration for an American client, in another dispute subject to English law. The arbitration, chaired by a three-member arbitral tribunal, involved two contracts, a sales representative agreement and a sales and purchase agreement, concerning the supply of wholesale chemicals to the American […]
Aceris Law Again Highly Recommended as Among the Best Law Firms for International Arbitration in 2022
Aceris Law is pleased to announce that it has again been ranked among the best law firms in the field of international arbitration. In particular, the Leader’s League has highly recommended Aceris Law in the category of best law firms in the field of international arbitration in Switzerland for 2022, and it has also highly […]
L’Arbitrage International En Algérie
L’arbitrage international en Algérie demeure sans doute un sujet des plus fascinants quant à la complexité du cadre juridique algérien. En effet, dans un contexte où les investissements étrangers et les flux de capitaux internationaux sont en continuel accroissement, leur part au sein des économies étatiques devient, elle aussi prépondérante.[1] L’Algérie, pays aux nombreuses ressources […]
Aceris Law Secures Award of Lost Profits for Austrian Company in LCIA Arbitration with Seat in London
Aceris Law is pleased to announce that another of its well-deserving clients has secured a large award in its favour, this time in an LCIA arbitration with its seat in London. The dispute concerned the supply of technological products to be ultimately used for the benefit of an East African State. Aceris Law’s client was […]
Aceris Law Resolves Dispute Subject to LMAA Terms in Client’s Favour
Aceris Law is pleased to announce that it has successfully resolved a dispute subject to the LMAA Terms under English law involving several substantive issues, including wrongful termination, repudiatory breach, and the proper measure of damages. The dispute concerned a contract for the sale of raw materials in the carbon fuels industry from the United […]
Aceris Law Successfully Resolves Dispute following Dispute Adjudication Board (DAB) Proceedings for East European State Entity
Aceris Law is pleased to announce that it has secured the targeted outcome representing a respondent East European State Entity in Dispute Adjudication Board (DAB) proceedings followed by negotiations. The DAB proceedings concerned a World Bank-financed project to construct an overhead transmission line that was plagued by numerous problems, including landslides and inadequate protective works. […]
Arbitration Boutique Aceris Law Wins Trophy for Best Swiss Law Firm
The international arbitration boutique Aceris Law has won another trophy for its legal work. It was awarded a Silver Trophy in the category of Best Law Firm in Switzerland during the 2021 Leaders’ League Trophy Ceremony organized by Décideurs Magazine. The prestigious Trophées du Droit (Trophies of Law) recognise the excellence of legal specialists in […]
Aceris Law Secures USD 28.7 Million Final Award in LCIA Arbitration under English Law
Aceris Law is pleased to announce that it has secured another highly favorable outcome for another client, with its client obtaining USD 28.7 million in damages, plus interest, for an Asian entity’s breach of a commodity supply agreement. In the dispute, which was subject to LCIA arbitration under English law, Aceris’ client was also awarded […]
Aceris Law Successfully Resolves Another ICC Construction Arbitration
Aceris Law LLC is pleased to announce that it has successfully resolved another ICC arbitration for another well-deserving client, shortly after securing a USD 34.5 million arbitration award for a different client. The arbitration, which had it seat in London, was governed by the laws of Saudi Arabia and concerned construction works related to a […]