Aceris Law is pleased to announce that it has secured another favorable arbitration award for a well-deserving client, this time for an American client in a cloud storage-related industry, facing an East Asian party in an ICDR-administered arbitration. While the case is non-public, the arbitration, governed by New York law, concerned issues of American securities […]
Aceris Law Again Highly Recommended in International Arbitration Rankings
Aceris Law LLC is pleased to announce that it has again been « Highly recommended » in the field of international arbitration by Leaders League, being named as one of the more accomplished boutique arbitration practices. According to Leaders League: ACERIS LAW: ARBITRATION BOUTIQUE THAT PUNCHES ABOVE ITS WEIGHT Track record: Since establishing Aceris Law, key partner […]
Changing Lawyers During an International Arbitration
There are a variety of legitimate reasons why a party might wish to change lawyers over the course of an international arbitration, which can be a long and expensive procedure. A party may lose confidence in its lawyers: the quality, loyalty and vigor of a party’s representatives can have substantial consequences for the party’s opportunity […]
William Kirtley Interviewed by RadioFreeEurope Regarding Investment Arbitration
William Kirtley of Aceris Law has recently been interviewed by RadioFreeEurope (RFE) regarding an investment arbitration initiated against the United States, discussing the interplay between domestic criminal proceedings and expropriation claims under international treaties. Aceris Law is also in the news for its representation of a claimant in an ICSID arbitration against the State of […]
MFN Clauses in Investment Arbitration
Most-Favoured-Nation Clauses, or MFN Clauses, figure in the vast majority of investment protection treaties. They are intended to ensure “that a host country extends to the covered foreign investor and its investments, as applicable, treatment that is no less favourable than that which it accords to foreign investors of any third country.”[1] By according such […]
Aceris Law Highly Recommended for International Arbitration by Décideurs/Leaders League
While Aceris Law provides legal representation for clients on all continents, in multiple languages, it has again been highly recommended by Décideurs / Leader’s League in the field of international arbitration, for both Switzerland and France. « We have one of the best teams in international arbitration today and since we cap our legal fees from […]
Aceris Law Successfully Resolves SIAC Arbitration Involving Nine Parties
Aceris Law LLC is pleased to announce that it has successfully resolved another SIAC arbitration on behalf of two respondents and counterclaimants, one located in France and another located in East Asia, in a dispute with seven entities and individuals governed by Japanese law. The dispute, which concerned a joint venture spanning multiple advanced technological […]
Aceris Law Successfully Resolves ICC Arbitration against Saudi Arabian Construction Company
Aceris Law LLC is pleased to announce that it has successfully resolved another ICC arbitration on behalf of a Middle Eastern client against a leading Saudi construction company. The arbitration, which was governed by Saudi law, concerned prolongation costs, amongst other construction law-related issues, in relation to a large refinery project located in Saudi Arabia. […]
Aceris Law Successfully Resolves Dispute in Solar Industry
Aceris Law is pleased to announce that it has successfully resolved another long-running international dispute, in the solar industry, between American and East Asian businesses. The dispute, which was subject to various laws of the United States, concerned a joint venture to produce solar panels and involved disputed exclusivity provisions, intellectual property disputes, disputed non-compete […]